Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Some assistance (??) to a poet in need of ideas

(Click on a picture to make it a larger size.  Clicking again should make it super sized)
Thank you, ____, for this assignment.  Here is what comes to mind (after your explanation of where you stopped writing) and then a few follow-up thoughts:

1.  An unfinished edible, probably a drink, left on the coffee table overnight.  Who left it?  Why?  What happened to it when found?

2.  Dying but not dead yet, written in the first person.  When will death probably occur?  Why is he/she dying?  Blame?  Regrets? Pain (I just took a hydrocodone pill for a horrible toothache.  I have an appointment with my dentist in the morning.)?

Best wishes with finishing, these sound like fun writing after I saw them in print.  I might save them, I save every thing, it goes in spurts. 



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