Friday, August 25, 2006

A Note to Cliff

Cliff's wife, Marilyn, had knee surgery (arthoscopic) today. Cliff is rather helpless but knows he needs to help her and ease her burdens for a while.

Click on the little duckie
to read his blog about it.

I began to post a comment on his blog but it got too long. So here is what I would have put:

Marilyn, this is our (Mrs. Jim's and mine) wish for you to get a lot better fast. Cliff really does need you, he sounds pretty helpless.

All those scopes are different. My doc dug the arthritis out and trimmed the muniscus on both sides to repair tears.Cliff, it will never be the same, and will always hurt and be somewhat stiff. So you had better help Marilyn a little more than what you are planning.

I would suggest that you do like I do and dust. The vacuum should have a dusting attachment. While you are vacuuming, see if you can write an "X" or "Dust Me" on the furniture. If you can then dust with the attachment.

You could also get a M**n to do the grooming for a couple of weeks. Scrub that, your's are all legal up there and will want minimun wage. Too expensive.

Maybe Marilyn's Mom could do the grooming. The granddaughter can help some too. Mom could run the tractor and bucket so you could golf earlier. Marilyn would then feel better about not being such a burden on you.

There will be other ways to help her, but my suggestions will be a good start.

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