Friday, December 12, 2008

i & k




  1. Upon further thought, the kkkkkks look really nice.

  2. Well, I guess the i's have it then.

  3. I don't see how the i's can have it, there were equal number of people voting for each?
    Or are you a self appointed voting guru?

    I will vote for "k."

  4. Wait, Mr. Anonymous Person! If Jim were to give us eeeeeee, then we'd have: iiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeee.

    And "I like Ike!" Don't you?

  5. [Clapping hands and stomping feet in rhythm] IkEEE! IkEEE! IkEEE!

  6. Unanimous, I don't like that RAP music stuff. I wish Mr. Jim would come back and lay the law down. He doesn't like RAP either.
    I have a little song
    for Jim, you, and all,
    about "i & k"
    Let's leave it that way.

  7. Er, does this mean Let's leave it that way as in This is the end of it--NOW?

    But first we've got to ask Mr. Jim to add an ssssssssss...!--we can sssssssskkkkkkkkkiiiiii!

  8. Which will it be--iiiiiii or kkkkkkkk? or both? The suspense is killing me.

    This post possibly may be your most exciting yet.

  9. From my viewpoint (and I see ALL views), lurking in this post is a hidden but understood "c". Yes, Jim is a crafty writer--quite deep and dark, he is.

    And as I understand it (and I understand EVERYTHING), Jim is signaling his distress, saying, "Ick."

    An outstanding post, Jim, highly enigmatic and full of intrigue.

  10. But that's the problem with you guys--you put conditions on things before you will accept them: "I want an "e"; "I want an "s"; "I see a "c"...;

    But I LOVE unconditionally, just the way things are.

  11. But that's the problem with you guys--you put conditions on things before you will accept them: "I want an "e"; "I want an "s"; "I see a "c"...;

    But I LOVE unconditionally, just the way things are.

  12. This is the most exciting blog I've stumbled along in ages!

  13. What's up with all the comments? Weird.

    Folks--there's nothing here worth getting so worked up over....

  14. Mind your own business, Mr. Ponderosa. We're sabotaging this blog.

  15. Comment moderation, huh? On a blog that isn't even listed?

    I think Mr. Jim's on to us.

  16. He's put all his old blogs on comment moderation. A spammer got to some of them. It went way back.
    It might have been ops &, what do you think?

    How come nobody wants to hear my song? Or at least the words? Are we the only ones reading this old blog?

  17. Song?(SONG?????????????????????????????)

    Er, yes, we'd love to hear it. Please present it.

  18. I love i 'n k
    You love i 'n k
    We all love i 'n k
    Rah, rah, rah!

    Well that was my song. Why didn't anybody ask me for it?

    Does anybody STILL read this old blog anymore?

  19. Yes, Ubiquitous (did you have to pick such a hard name to spell?). but only non-readers read these now.

    These are old blogs never read, remember?
