Saturday, June 26, 2021

Sunday Muse -- Not used


My (Our) Heading 

Seeing another time is scary 
Are we looking ahead or behind 
Or to the left or to the right 
Perhaps upwards or woefully down 

I (we) see with the eyes and with the mind 
What's with the eyes is generally real 
But with my mind I cannot trust 
There enters fear and emotions 

Flavored by the other senses 
Is it real or do I imagine 
Life is complicated we must cope 
Sleep and day dreams will give relief 

Thinking of all this and more is too much 
I'm giving in and will float with time 
Doing that is hard if one must think 
A third parameter enters in 

My body's needs must be sustained 
Here desires too play a part 
These two are life's rudders and paddles 
Stay on my pad of ice there's no brake 

When the ice melts things will fastly change 
Am I the dog who can swim to shore 
Or the cat who hasn't learned to swim 

Can there be a miracle to come 
Surely one is needed else I die
 _ _ _ 

 - This is not a finished writing and I do not intend to finish. Somewhere in the process I lost track of my ending and then I couldn't get back to it fast or efficiently.  I have its replacement here,
It may not be much better.

 -  - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo prompt posted by Carrie Van Horn with The Sunday Muse #166,  at 


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